
Welcome! If you are animal-hearted, if you have a passion to help, to heal or to understand better your own beloved pet or the animal kingdom, this is the place for you. Whatever your issue, interest or inspiration – we offer venues for you to interact and get involved. If you are hands-on, if you like to work from afar, if you would love to be part of a larger movement to awaken consciousness and benefit all animals of our world, if you simply wish to support work and hope and love on behalf of the animals, then you are in the right place. The following nuggets are offered to give you a taste of Paws!

? We are in the process of creating a national community/lifetime care sanctuary model, beginning here in the South but with expansion opportunities.

? A national program to assist our military, their families and pets, and those animal compatriots who help keep them safe.

? Unipaws animal ministry that you can participate in or seek solace with.

? Programs where you can learn to better understand and communicate with your animals, explore the spiritual side of our relationships with the animals, and much much more!

Our Mission


It is our mission to provide care and support to abandoned and abused animals and for those who cannot have a permanent home regardless of the reason. We give spiritual, physical, behavioral and emotional support to these precious beings. For those who are unadoptable for whatever reason, we offer lifetime care and commitment.

While we work with the veterinary medical aspect, we believe in and support holistic treatment for all animals in our care. We believe deeply in consistency and commitment as part of our values and strive to create a natural home environment for them, always researching newer and better ways to help and keep them engaged as much as possible.

To us, all life matters and every life deserves a chance. No animal has ever been turned down by us because it was financially not expedient or because they had behavioral problems or because they had a terminal diagnosis. All of our animals receive deep and abiding love, affection and care for as long as they live.


The Fur Agreements teaches that the animals come to us because of spiritual contracts they have to be with us in the areas of Love, Healing, Spirituality, to Serve and Protect, Teaching and Inspiration. There are specific sacred agreements that the animals make to us and that we in turn make that to them.

It is through The Fur Agreements that we learn to create deeper more meaningful bonds with our Animal Companions and with the animal kingdom as a whole, creating love, respect and an abiding of awareness that Humanity has an enduring responsibility to this brotherhood of ours.


It is our passion to promote an understanding of the connection between humanity and the animal kingdom. They were here long before us and they provide daily the opportunities to learn more about our own humanity, to glimpse our inhumanity, to change and to learn from our failings. They teach us about love, respect, honor and even the meaning of family.

The natural kingdom has so much wisdom to offer us if we but listen. Science has proven that our own beloved family pets have such outstanding abilities as to be able to sniff out cancer long before it can be determined through medical means, to be able to sense and predict seizures and various types of medical situations for their companions, get help and even help them through it.

Our family pets can even sense when we are coming home to them regardless of the time of day or night, regardless of whether we have a pattern or an irregularity to our coming home - they are deeply connected to us and they have always known it. They wait only for us to catch up to this understanding.

The animal kingdom holds no judgement against us where we have failed them for they have always stood waiting to support us with The Fur Agreements. We have just not always known how to listen, how to understand their messages, but we are developing that capability and it is our deepest heartfelt hope and belief that Humanity will unite in a permanent bond with the animal kingdom. Whether it be through one person at a time or through thousands of people, they will wait for us, welcome us they will welcome us and work to support us in developing our own spirits.

Please take a turn through the site, inspect it, see what speaks to you and consider becoming a member of our community. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you - we are here if you have questions and concerns. On behalf of all our precious animals, blessings and thanks for coming!

Dr. Tricia Working, Founder & CVO

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